"Stars as Human Souls, Separated by Time"
"ultimately the sheer size of things will defeat us", they say.
Well, this piece is contemplating -
on the immensity of this world...the immensity of loss...the victory
over death and time we have in Yeshua
When you travel,
you can not see space, you can only measure the distance.
Between two bright points in eternity - is there really a separation?
Solid blackness of the world...
Who sees us here,
placed amid the slabs of unyielding circumstances,
counting the clockwork vanity of a void -
- receding...
For time flows as neutrinos
and pierces our private worlds
with shattering recollections
or with just barely noticeable
yet confusing noise
Every soul has gravity.
It attracts; curves time around itself;
the memories are sometimes painfully obvious
in the eyes of the beloved.
And the eyes shine brightly -
when cosmos is dark,
when entropy and loss
envelop -
the shrill, unbearable brightness swims in time ...
...and we admire stars at sundown.
Avi, November 2005
Well, this piece is contemplating -
on the immensity of this world...the immensity of loss...the victory
over death and time we have in Yeshua
When you travel,
you can not see space, you can only measure the distance.
Between two bright points in eternity - is there really a separation?
Solid blackness of the world...
Who sees us here,
placed amid the slabs of unyielding circumstances,
counting the clockwork vanity of a void -
- receding...
For time flows as neutrinos
and pierces our private worlds
with shattering recollections
or with just barely noticeable
yet confusing noise
Every soul has gravity.
It attracts; curves time around itself;
the memories are sometimes painfully obvious
in the eyes of the beloved.
And the eyes shine brightly -
when cosmos is dark,
when entropy and loss
envelop -
the shrill, unbearable brightness swims in time ...
...and we admire stars at sundown.
Avi, November 2005
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